Welcome to the Our Lady of Good Counsel RCIA Children and Youth Process.
Whether your family is just entering the Catholic Church or you are returning after being away, and you have now decided to have your child or your children baptized … we are here to assist you. In order to baptize your child who has reached the age of reason (which is considered 7 and older) the Catholic Church now approaches administering this Sacrament in a different way than perhaps what you may have been accustomed. The Church’s approach now is to prepare a child to receive all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmationand 1st Holy Communion) at the same time. We have returned to the way the ancient church administered the Sacraments of Initiation after a period of preparation. Today this period of preparation is accomplished through the RCIA process.
Similar to RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – age 18 and over), RCIA adapted for Children (for Children & Youth) is the formation process for children and youth between the ages of 7 and 17 who have not been validly baptized as recognized by the Catholic Church. The RCIA adapted for Children process at Our Lady of Good Counsel is open to both parishioners and non-parishioners who are in need of preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation. The Catholic Church recognizes that unbaptized minor children who have reached the age of reason (approximately age 7) have the same rights as adults for the purpose of Christian initiation (canon 852§1, RCIA #252). A minor child is to be treated as an adult (per canon law) and should be initiated per the RCIA process (RCIA#’s 36-251).
Children and youth that are admitted to the catechumenate will be led through the same stages of Christian formation as the adults to prepare them for sacramental initiation into the Catholic Church (canon 851 §1). The sessions of catechetical instruction associated with each stage of preparation is adapted to present the fundamentals of our Catholic faith at a level appropriate to their age.
Children and youth who have completed the RCIA formation process will receive (with the adults) all three sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. (Canon 866 and RCIA National Statutes, #18).
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR RECEIVING THE SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION *Please submit the following documents with your RCIA application (applications are available in the parish office).
Birth Certificate: A copy of your official birth certificate is required to be fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church.
Attend RCIA Classes: The RCIA process normally takes two years to complete. However, here at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church our program has been designed to be completed within a shorter period of time. It is therefore vital that you attend all scheduled classes. Weekly "RCIA Sessions" for Children and Youth areconductedSunday morning from 8:45 to 10:00 AM (this is after the catechumens are dismissed from 8:30 AM Mass; after the homily) where we will convene in the 8th Grade classroom (OLGC Catholic School), unless otherwise identified.
Additional Requirements: In addition to attending RCIA (Children & Youth) sessions, the catechumens and their families are required to:
Select a sponsor for the Catechumen
Attend 8:30 AM Sunday Mass (reserved seating)
Attend Mass on holy days of obligation
Attend RCIA Retreats (preferably with their sponsors)
Attend Masses designated for the various Rites and Scrutinies associated with the RCIA formation process (these will vary from year to year) listed in the schedule of sessions.
Why was this ancient rite restored? As the early Church grew, the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation were celebrated in one continuous rite of initiation leading up to the reception of the Eucharist. In his late 2nd-Century work On Baptism, Tertullian describes a structure of initiation that began with catechumenal formation.
Once that unspecified period was completed, the believer was anointed with oil and confessed the faith three times, which was followed by a threefold immersion in water. After that, he or she was anointed with chrism, the sign of the cross was made, and hands were laid upon the person while invoking the Holy Spirit. The initiation was completed with the celebration of the Eucharist.
What is the role of the sponsor? Prior to the Rite of Election, the Catechumen may choose one or two sponsors, who will accompany the Catechumen on the day of Election, at the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, and during the Period of Mystagogy. They are called to show the Catechumens good example of the Christian life, sustain them in moments of hesitancy and anxiety, bear witness, and guide their progress in the baptismal life.
What are the qualifications to be a sponsor?
They should ordinarily be at least 16 years of age.
They must be Catholics who have received Baptism, Confirmation, & first Holy Communion.
They must lead a life in harmony with the Catholic faith.
If they are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church.
Parents of the person to being initiated may not serve as godparents/sponsors.
For more information, contact: Deacon Jeff Calamayan, church office ph # (808) 455-3012